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CodeSonar version 8.0


L'équipe produit GrammaTech CodeSonar a le plaisir d'annoncer la disponibilité de CodeSonar Version 8

Cette version comporte plusieurs nouvelles fonctionnalités ainsi que de nombreuses corrections de bogues, mises à jour de compatibilité et autres améliorations mineures. 

Les élements majeurs sont énumérés ci-dessous :
  • Jira Server is the on-prem version of the industry-standard issue and work tracking tool. Customers can link warning in the hub directly to a ticket in Jira and changes between Jira and the hub sync automatically. For customers who cannot use cloud-based tools, this is an important capability.
  • Gerrit is a process enforcement tool that helps customers follow their own rules when a developer makes a change. We have a beta version of this integration in CodeSonar 8.0. Customers can use the results of an analysis to automatically drive their process gates. Please reach out to the product team to discuss how we can engage to deliver this beta. A full integration will be available in 8.1.
  • We were able to deliver 50% coverage of the new MISRA C 2023 standard in 8.0, and customers will be able to enjoy 100% coverage in 8.1.
  • SANS 25 2023 support. The SANS top-25 list changes every year depending on the threats that are trending, so being able to check the most up-to-date version of the list is critical for customers that build safe and secure software.
CodeSonar Hub
  • Improved Single Sign-on to support the latest versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari. Our customers can browse warnings from any OS and any browser, all protected by their company’s Single Sign-On infrastructure.
  • Clearer licensing. Customers pay for a license, and now they can use it to access analysis results from more than one client at a time.
  • CodeSonar is certified for use in ISO 26262 ASIL D, IEC 61508 SLl4, and EN 50128 SIL4 projects. Certification is expensive for our customers and these certificates are one of the pieces of evidence they must supply to their own auditors.
Hybrid SaaS
  • Hybrid SaaS improvements include improved support for AWS load balancers and more robust behavior if worker tasks stall. This will increase the reliability and scalability of our Hybrid SaaS solution for large and small customers.

Si vous êtes sous un contrat de maintenance valide, vous avez le droit de recevoir cette nouvelle version et de profiter de l'ensemble des fonctionnalités mises à jour et améliorées.
Connectez-vous au portail d'assistance GrammaTech pour télécharger la dernière version. 

Si vous rencontrez des problèmes techniques avec cette version, veuillez visiter notre portail d'assistance pour consulter nos articles de connaissances ou soumettre un ticket si vous rencontrez des problèmes. 
De nouvelles vidéos sont dorénavant disponibles, qui montrent comment intégrer CodeSonar dans votre pipeline DevSecOps, y compris comment faire fonctionner CodeSonar avec GitLab, GitHub et VSCode. 

Si vous n'avez pas de compte, veuillez nous envoyer un e-mail.